Preparing for Your Appointment
It is VERY IMPORTANT to prepare your body for any permanent cosmetic treatment. These instructions should be taken seriously to get the best result possible. These instructions ensure that each session goes as smoothly as possible. We want to avoid encountering adverse reactions that can affect the healed results of our work. It is important to be honest with your technician. All instructions apply to every session including touch ups.
For any procedure or technique you must adhere to the following instructions:
DO NOT take any blood thinning medications, vitamins or supplements 72 hours prior to your appointment. This may cause additional bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity during your treatment. This may include Ibuprofen, aspirin, Gingko Biloba, garlic supplements, and Niacin.
NO alcohol, caffeine or ANY other stimulants (including energy drinks and nicotine) 24 hours before your appointment. This may cause additional bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity during your treatment.
DO NOT exercise the day of your appointment.
Botox must be done at LEAST 3 weeks BEFORE or AFTER your appointment.
No facials or chemical treatments 4 BEFORE or AFTER your appointment.
ONE MONTH before your appointment AVOID:
Diet medications or supplements
Vitamin E
Fish oils / Omegas
Vitamin A and C serums
Retinols and any derivatives
Laser or any kind of skin resurfacing treatments (chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc.)
For Lip Procedures:
All of the above applies as well as the following:
Please be aware that if you have the herpes simplex virus (HSV 1 or 2), you may awaken an outbreak following this treatment. It is mandatory to take an anti-viral medication such as Acyclovir, Valtrex, or Zovirax 5 days before, then the day of and 5 days after or as advised by your doctor or pharmacist.
Lip injections must be at least 6 weeks before and after this treatment.
Lips must not be chapped, have broken skin, or peeling. They should be well hydrated.
For Eyeliner:
Lash serums and anti-aging products will cause sensitivity to your lash line and may result in painful treatment. You must discontinue use of these products a minimum 4 weeks or more prior appointment.
You must remove all lash extensions prior to this treatment
If you have an eye infection or stye on the procedure date you cannot have this treatment done.
Eye surgery: must wait 3 months post surgery.